September 28 campaign in Latin America and the Caribbean is calling for the international mobilisation to demand decriminalisation of abortion in seven countries in the regional where abortion is completely prohibited and penalised

We urge you to send letters to the embassies of Chile, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti, Suriname and the Dominican Republic.

Please use the visual materials and the sample letter that you can adapt for the embassy of each country.


Template letter

[download id=”4256″ format=”2″]


Visual materials


Aborto Ilegal Violencia Estatal 1[download id="4244" format="2"]

Aborto Ilegal Violencia Estatal 2[download id="4246" format="2"]

Aborto Ilegal Violencia Estatal 3[download id="4248" format="2"]

Aborto Ilegal Violencia Estatal 4[download id="4250" format="2"]

Aborto Ilegal Violencia Estatal 5[download id="4252" format="2"]

Aborto Ilegal Violencia Estatal 6[download id="4254" format="2"]